Select Poems
“A Hundred and Fifty Pounds" (The Poetry Foundation)
“New Year" (The Poetry Foundation)
“Diasporic” (The Believer)
“Palinode" (The Sewanee Review; reprinted by Poetry Daily)
“The Border" and “Estuary" (The Sewanee Review)
“Georgic" (Poetry Daily)
“Century Plants" (The New Republic)
“Wakeful Things" (Academy of American Poets)
“My Father’s Birthday is the Day Before Mine” (Poetry)
“The Light from Canada" and two other poems (The PN Review)
“Pastoral" and “Self Portrait as a Portrait of My Grandfather, December 8, 1941" (Poetry Northwest)
“Four-Leaf Clover" (Kenyon Review)
“Broken Record" (Crazyhorse)
“After Noguchi" and two other poems (Narrative)
“Campanology" (Narrative)
“Tashme" and “White Noise Machine" (The Margins)
“Minoru" (The Margins)
“Lines Written While Visiting the Valley Where the Camp Was" (Beloit Poetry Journal)
“Light and Years" and “Mute Swans, Yellow Irises" (The Manchester Review)
“In Cloud Country" (The Walrus)